Will Rogers Counselor Rebecca Barry was highlighted in a recent statewide newsletter from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Here is what the newsletter shared:

"Rebecca is a trailblazer in school counseling in the state of Oklahoma. Her school was the first school in Oklahoma to receive the prestigious Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) recognition in 2009. She has since earned the recognition an additional three times in 2012, 2016, and  2021. Very few schools across the nation have received RAMP four times. No schools in Oklahoma have received the award more than once. Additionally, Rebecca has paved the way for three other schools to earn RAMP recognition in Oklahoma. We are grateful for all you do to lead the profession of school counseling forward, Rebecca!

What makes you unique as a school counselor?
I think the thing that makes me unique as a school counselor is my determination and passion for teaching all of our elementary students problem-solving and, social/emotional skills that will hopefully stick with them throughout life.

Why is creating a comprehensive school counseling program important to you?
Creating a well-rounded, comprehensive program is important because it helps prepare students for the future by supporting their academic, career, and social/emotional growth. It helps systematically to build productive, contributing citizens in our communities.

What is a quote that inspires you?
“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care” – President Theodore Roosevelt

What do you do when you need inspiration to tackle another day working on behalf of students?  
I reconnect with my “why?” I wake up thinking about how important my work is to all of the kids I love and serve. I think about the systemic impact and that feels good.

What do you do to decompress and refuel for the next day?  
I rest and spend quality time with my family.