Earlier this month, Jim Thorpe Academy teacher Misty Rendleman walked into the Horseshoe Hotel in Las Vegas with a specific goal in mind: take down the best in the world.
Competing at the WABDL Worlds, Rendleman entered the Women’s Masters 47-53 Division in both bench press and deadlift. Weighing in at 125 pounds, Misty was taking on some of the top powerlifters in the world, as well as looking to set two world records that had been in existence since 2001.
Her first event was the bench press, where she smashed the world record in her division with a successful rep at 232 pounds.
Two hours later in the deadlift competition, Misty successfully secured another world record with a 461.4 pound rep, an incredibly impressive feat when you consider that’s over three and half times her body weight!
Already a decorated powerlifter, Rendleman now owns both American and World Records in four different national federations.
Congratulations to MIsty Rendleman on this incredible achievement. All of us at Shawnee Public Schools are proud of your accomplishments!