
a boy types on a computer next to a drone and VR equipment

The Shawnee Public Schools technology department ensures that students and staff have the tools they need to learn and work with devices both safely and securely. We are a 1-to-1 technology district, which means every student in SPS has access to a mobile device for learning. Our devices feature the latest software applications, and our classrooms are equipped with updated interactive boards for teaching and learning.

Having access to technology is meaningless without the people who can support and maintain it, so SPS has a districtwide staff to troubleshoot and upgrade technology at a moment's notice. Every school site has a technology mentor to provide first-level support and guidance so that technology problems are dealt with immediately.

Safety is our number-one priority at SPS, so our technology experts ensure that students have safe online access and that student and staff data are protected. Our technology and education staff work together to teach students the skills they need to safely use technology tools now and in the future.

a headshot of a man wearing glasses

Danny Zarella

Director of Technology

(405) 878-1054