Nutrition Services

Shawnee Public Schools knows that a student who is eating healthy food is prepared to learn. Our child nutrition staff works to ensure that all Shawnee students have access to healthy breakfasts and lunches to prepare them for learning and growing.
Parents and students may see at a glance the breakfast and lunch menus for each school by choosing the dining tab from the menu of our website or school app.
We encourage all parents to complete a Household Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals at the beginning of every school year. Forms may be completed during the enrollment process, and more forms are available from each school's child nutrition staff.
We use MySchoolBucks for easy payment for school meals. Parents, sign up at the link and search for Shawnee Public Schools to connect your students to your account.
For more information about the SPS Child Nutrition Program, contact Julia Jesseph, director of nutrition services, at (405) 878-1028 or