Welcome Freshmen!


Incoming 9th Grade Pre-enrollment is OPEN!

In order to complete enrollment you must complete the steps below:

STEP 1: Please follow the QR Code in the graphic or follow the link below for important enrollment information and to complete the 2025-26 Course Request Form. 


Course descriptions are found in our Student/Parent Handbook starting on page 85. Our handbook is also located on our SHS website

*If you are a current Shawnee Middle School 8th grader you ONLY complete Step 1.

All other 8th graders, please complete Steps 1-3. 

STEP 2: If you do not live in the Shawnee School District then you will need to complete the Student Transfer Application


STEP 3: Complete the enrollment and registration process by visiting our Enrollment Center on our Shawnee Public Schools website. From the Enrollment Page you can complete Online Registration. 


If you are considering playing a sport at any time during your 9th grade year, you will also need to complete online RANK ONE paperwork and a physical. This information and paperwork can be found on our Athletics and Activities page on our High School website.


For additional information, contact Kaylee Wilburn: kaywilburn@shawnee.k12.ok.us